Scroll Down“Invasion” is a science fiction drama television series from AppleTV+ that centers around an alien invasion that threatens humanity’s existence. The show takes a unique approach by telling the story in real-time through the eyes of five ordinary people from different parts of the globe, as they struggle to make sense of the chaos unraveling around them.
While the premise of the show is intriguing, it falls short in its execution. The pacing of the show is slow, and it takes too long for the action and suspense to pick up. The story-line is not always clear and the characters motivations and actions are not always well-explained.
However, one of the strong points of the show is the performances by the cast. Golshifteh Farahani as Aneesha Malik, delivers a convincing and nuanced portrayal of her character, despite the lack of depth in the character’s development. The supporting cast also delivers strong performances and they were able to bring a sense of realism to their characters.
Unfortunately, the performances by the cast are not enough to save the show from its shortcomings. The slow pacing, weak character development and unclear story-line make it a hard watch, and it fails to live up to the potential of its premise.